Products - Construction Accessories
Surface expansion & contraction problems It is now a standard construction practice to make allowance for surface /structural expansion & contraction due to changes in weather conditions Expansion joints minimize impact of daily/seasonal fluctuations in temperature, but require adequate "sealing" and treatment in their own right EPE Backup rods are ideally suited to this task. Available in a wide range of "thickness " or diameter sizes, EPE Back -Up Rods are easy to install, require no maintenance and provide highly effective sealing under all conditions,
A snug - fit Rod (made possible by using a Back - Up Rod of diameter 25% larger than the width of the Joint's cavity) adequately negotiates the expansion/contraction during summer/ winter, without compromising on the sealing. The Rod's inherent elasticity and elongation compensates for any structural "movements" of the joint. Once properly installed, EPE Backup Rods also act as a barrier against leaks, seepage and moisture penetration
EPE Backup Rods & Sheets can be used as sealant or gasket material in diverse areas:
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